You’ll be wanting a book!

Most learners find following their course via a coursebook, or at least, studying elements from them, will really help it all stick.

We have a direct deal with publishers and can offer discounted prices and a wide range of materials to suit all needs.   

We offer Digital PDF downloads to cover our three core languages. 


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Cambridge B2


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Use of English

Ten practice tests for the Cambridge B2 First

This book contains 10 Use of English tests, 40 texts and 300 individual assessments, providing a large bank of high-quality practice material for students preparing for the Cambridge B2 First


Speaking First:

Ten practice tests for the Cambridge B2 First

These sample tests have been written to closely replicate the Cambridge FCE Speaking exam experience and so each Speaking test follows the same structure and wording as official B2 First Speaking papers.



Six practice tests for the Cambridge B2 First

This book contains 6 more complete practice tests for the Cambridge English B2 First Listening, previously known as the First Certificate in English (FCE). These sample tests have been written to closely replicate the Cambridge FCE Listening exam experience…

Cambridge C1


Speaking CAE:

Ten practice tests for the Cambridge C1 Advanced

This folder contains 10 complete practice tests for the Cambridge English C1 Advanced Speaking, previously known as the Advanced Certificate in English (CAE)


Use of English

Ten practice tests for the Cambridge C1 Advanced

It comprises ten Use of English tests, 40 texts, 300 individual assessments with answer keys, write-in answer sheets and a marking scheme, providing a large bank of high-quality practice material for students preparing for the Cambridge C1 Advanced.(CAE)


Work It Out

With Phrasal Verbs Teaching Resource

Present and practise English phrasal verbs in context (B2–C1 level) Designed for both new and experienced teachers, Work It Out with Phrasal Verbs is uniquely focused …


Listening C1

Six practice tests for the Cambridge C1 Advanced

This book contains 6 complete practice tests for the Cambridge English C1 Advanced Listening, previously known as the Advanced Certificate in English (CAE). These sample tests have been written to closely replicate the Cambridge C1 Listening exam experience, and so each test follows the same structure and wording as official Listening papers.


English Collocations

in Context Student Book

Essential English grammar for B2 and C1 students. There is not always a grammatical reason why some words go together in English while others do not. That is what makes learning …

Business English


Work It Out

with Business Idioms Teaching Resource

Designed for both new and experienced teachers, Work it Out with Business Idioms is uniquely focused on presenting and practising idioms in a business or work-related context.